2024 welcomes the Year of the Dragon!
In Buddhist tradition, the dragon is a totem for the supernatural, and the inconceivable. Its appearance is dynamic, artistic and complex; it can perform various transformations in the Universe.
Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, is one of the most important festivals in traditional Chinese culture. It unites praying for good fortune to eliminate disasters, worshipping deities, enjoying joyous celebrations, as well as humanities and culture into a single grand festival. The Festival typically continues for 15 days, beginning with the new moon, with festivities lasting until the following full moon, marked by the Lantern Festival.
This year, the Academy welcomed the Year of the Dragon with a Sounding of the Bell event on the Lantern Festival, being 25 February in 2024. The event was held at the site of our proposed Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia, at Campania.
The ritual of sounding the bell at this auspicious time is to pray for good fortune has been part of Buddhist traditions since ancient times. The event was attended by state and local elected representatives, community leaders as well as friends from all walks of life.
Even a panda showed up at the event, mixing in with kids and adults alike
Over the lunar new year period this year (which was followed by Harmony Week), we were fortunate and humbled to have been invited to a number of schools and community festivals to mark the festivities. This included the annual Lunar New Year Festival hosted by the Chinese Community Association of Tasmania at the Parliament Lawns, as well as events at TasNetworks, Lady Gowrie Childcare Centre, St Michael's Collegiate, Clarendon Vale Primary School, Warrane Primary School, New Town Primary School, and the Collinsvale Market.