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Year of the Dog Banquet

The Academy hosted its Chinese New Year banquet at Wrest Point Hobart on 16 February - the first day of the Wu Xu Year (literal interpretation as the Year of the ‘Earth Dog’). People from all walks of life, including politicians, community leaders and volunteers, local and international visitors, as well as new and old friends joined to ring in the new year. While the Year of the Dog is likely to bring challenges, but where there are challenges, there are also opportunities.

A special thank you to House of Dance (HOD), Flamenkisimo Sydney (who flew down especially from Sydney for the event) and Shan Deng for treating our guests to such entertaining performances, and to Kwan Ho Restaurant for the food.

We thank each and every one who attended, and for sharing the first day of the Wu Xu Year of the Dog with us. Your support is very much appreciated.


© Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia Incorporated 2021      |      ABN  72 556 293 482

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