Speaker of the House of Assembly, The Hon. Elise Archer MP and Health Minister The Hon. Michael Ferguson MP held a Community Health Briefing and Morning Tea session at the Buckingham Bowls Club in New Town, on 12 July 2017. It was attended by the locals interested in state health policies and issues; despite recent wintry days, the turnout was good. Master Wang attended the session with several Elder Gurus from the Academy.

The State health system is one of the corner stones of the State Government, and one which Tasmanians are particularly passionate and concerned about. Delivery and quality of service is paramount to government policies and its feedback. The Hon. Elise Archer MP hosted the event in which the Hon. Michael Ferguson MP gave a detailed presentation on positive changes within the past few years, particularly on a range of issues not excluding improvement on surgery waiting times, availability of hospital beds, funding distributions and construction of health clinics. Master Wang and many members of the audience met with the host and presenter after the talk. The Hon. Elise Archer MP and Hon. Michael Ferguson MP praised the Academy’s approach in closely following current issues and providing support when needed. In return, Master Wang gave current leaders his best wishes in facing the challenges ahead and with their diligent work, supporting each and every individual in the state.