2017 Australian Chinese Writers Festival
On 6 July 2017, upon invitation, Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Xin De Wang attended the 2017 Australian Chinese Writers Festival jointly hosted by the Australian Chinese Writers Festival Committee and Yarra Libraries; the event was held in the Reading Room of Fitzroy Town Hall. The theme of this year’s meeting is “The Development of Chinese Literature Overseas”and included keynote speeches by the delegation of famous Chinese writers.

Fitzroy Town Hall
Delegates included famous writers: Zhong Ren Fa, the Vice-Chairperson of the Ji Lin Province Writers Association and Editor of the journal “Writers”, and Fan Wen, the Vice-Chairperson of the Yun Nan Province Writers Association and first class national author. Also attending the festival included local renown Australian Chinese writers such as Wang Ruo Bing and Wang Lin Mei.
This year’s Australian Chinese Writers Festival also received the attention and acknowledgement of the Consulate-General of China in Melbourne, with the representative of the Consul-General, Vice Consul-General Huang Guobin announcing the official opening and welcoming the delegation of famous Chinese writers. During the opening ceremony, many renown Australian Chinese leaders were also invited to address the Festival, including: Ms. Hu Mei OAM JP, the chairperson of the Australian Chinese Writers Festival; Mr. Hong Shaoping, the president of the World Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laos Chinese Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification; Ms. Yang Qianhui, the head multicultural advisor to the leader of the Australian Labor Party - The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, and former mayor of Manningham; Mr. He Hanen, Chinese affairs advisor to the leader of the Victorian Liberal Party - The Hon. Matthew Guy MP, and Cr. Philip Le Liu, a Chinese alderman of City of Melbourne.

Vice-Consul Huang Guobin officially opened the 2017 Australian Chinese Writers Festival
After the grand opening of this year’s Australian Chinese Writers Festival, a Chinese-Australian Literature Forum was held with members of the famous Chinese writers delegation giving keynote addresses to mutually explore the various facets of the development of Chinese literature overseas, expounding on the influence that the outstanding Chinese culture has had on the world, and its great contributions towards the harmonious exchange of cultures around the world. Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Xin De Wang was also invited as an Australian special guest to give the final keynote speech which highly praised the recent address delivered by the President of China, President Xi Jinping at the United Nations headquarters of UNESCO, especially emphasising President Xi’s high appreciation and great hope for Chinese Buddhist culture.

Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Xin De Wang delivered the final keynote speech
President Xi said: “Napoleon once said: ‘China is a sleeping lion, once this sleeping lion has awaken, the entire world will tremble.’ The lion that is China has already awoken, however, this is a peaceful, amiable and civilised lion.” For China to become a peaceful, amiable and civilised lion, at its roots Chinese culture must be revived.
At this grand cultural gathering, Chinese literature writers and enthusiasts proactively engaged in close quarters interaction and exchange with the most elite of Chinese writers to review the past and look forward into the future on how to contribute towards the extensive dissemination of Chinese culture overseas. This is carried out with the hope that we may mutually realise the revival of the outstanding Chinese culture, and share the outstanding Chinese civilisation spirit with mankind.