On 26 March 2017, the 7th annual Moonah Taste of the World was held at Benjafield Park, situated in Tasmania’s most culturally diverse municipal of Glenorchy. With over 10,000 people attending, it was once again an honour for Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia to be invited to perform the Vajra Lion Dance as part of the opening ceremony amongst the multicultural program for the day.
The festival features cultural song and dance performances representing many ethnicities, including Indigenous Australians, Chinese, Scottish, Indonesian, Indian, Polish, Greek, Ethiopian, Iranian, Afghani to name a few, and is held on the last day of Harmony Week. The vibrant celebration brings an immersive and authentic celebration of diverse world cultures through food, performance and cultural display. The continual success of this event echoes the increasing acceptance of multiculturalism in Australia. Once again, we thank the organisers for the invitation to participate in this year’s festival - the Academy’s sixth appearance, and an opportunity to share with the audience the spiritual positive joy emanated from the performance by the pair of amiable golden lions and six lively small lions.