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Australia Day Celebrations
Every year, to celebrate Australia Day, “A Day on the Beach” celebratory event is held at Kingston Beach; this event celebrates all...

薄伽梵 師尊與塔州州長代表-Elise Archer 議員、中華人民共和國駐墨爾本總領事館龍舟總領事、塔省華人聯誼會會長鍾國興先生、塔省華人聯誼會前會長陳源利,一同於庚子春茗上互道祝賀。 舞獅是農曆新年不可少的節目,意謂喜氣洋洋、生龍活虎。而本佛教學院的聖密金剛獅子舞,具有...

Lunar New Year Celebration Night a Reminder of Hope and Friendship
Master Wang, along with The Hon. Elise Archer MP, the representative of the Premier of Tasmania; Consul-General Long Zhou of the...

Cultural Park Rezoning Green Light
On Friday 24 January 2020, the Tasmanian Planning Commission approved the amendments to the Southern Midlands Interim Planning Scheme...

Faiths and Religions Unite to Pray for Peace
This year’s theme of World Religion Day was “the Oneness of Humanity”. In Hobart, religious representatives congregated at Baháʼí Centre...
Send help to those affected by Australian bushfire
The recent bushfires around Australia has been affecting thousands of homes, burned 26 million acres and counting. Lives has been lost...

【霍巴特賑災義演】本週日(2019年12月22日)下午3:30 在77 Collins Street,塔州華人社團聯合會自發舉辦悉尼森林大火賑災文藝義演。門票$10/人,收入全部捐給悉尼;義演全部由華人社區的小朋友們表演!塔州著名年輕鋼琴家林聖源將作壓軸演出。
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