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由澳中投資集團和澳州旅遊文化集團共同投資的豪頓莊園國際婚禮島Villa Howden Wedding Hotel 項目啟動儀式5月19日上午十點在霍巴特舉行。 中國駐墨爾本總領事館黃國斌副總領事,塔斯馬尼亞州州長WillHodgman,酒店所在區Kingborough市...

Villa Howden International Wedding Island Project Launch Ceremony
The launch ceremony of the Villa Howden International Wedding Island Project—a joint venture between the Australian Investment Group and...

浴佛節──佛教徒的〝母親節〞 ──紀澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院佛曆二五六一浴佛聖典 佛曆二五六一年浴佛聖典,在2017年5月14日上午十時,於澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院位於塔州霍巴特市中心的教學大樓,殊勝拉開帷幕。 適逢今天是西方文化的母親節,作為佛教徒,舉行慶祝 大聖...

2561 Bathing Buddha Ceremony
The “Mother’s Day” of Buddhists – Bathing Buddha Festival - An Account of the 2561 Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony of Tasmanian Chinese...

Visit by Dr. Fai Yuen Lam (Australia China Economics, Trade and Culture Association)
Visit by a delegation of seven members, led by Dr. Fai Yuen Lam - founding and honorary chairman of Australia China Economics, Trade and...

Visit by Shanghai Art Institute
Visit by Shanghai Art Institute Teacher Deng Guozhong, as well as Mr. Zhou and Mr. Yang to the Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of...

Lions Club Australia - Centennial Celebrations
Lions Club is a non-for-profit organisation that provides service to communities internationally. The club name of LIONS stands for...

World Tai Chi Day
Upon invitation from Mr. Bill Pearson of the local Hobart Jian Shen School of Tai Chi in Tasmania, Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch...

應塔州霍巴特本地的太極健身學校的Bill Pearson先生邀請, 智及 王信得宗師率澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院的聖密長老、聖密上師、聖密行者、聖密轉世者代表,出席於2017年4月29日星期六上午舉行的〝世界太極日” 活動。 ...
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