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Legacy TAS visits Lions & Devas
An honour to host some very inquisitive and lively ladies from Legacy Tasmania on 18 April 2018. Some members of the Academy accompanied...

Lifeline visits Lions & Devas
An honour to explain to friends from Lifeline Tasmania, the significance of the Two Guardian Lions and Four Great Heavenly Devas on 17...

International Food Fair at Hobart College
A privilege to be invited to perform the Vajra Lion Dance as part of the annual International Food Fair at Hobart College. It was also a...

二零一八年四月十一日中午,秋風送爽。在紐爾遜山上,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院應霍巴特高中學院校長斯德拉女士(Tracy Siedler)和中文老師白欣女士之熱情邀請,參與了校園的國際食物遊藝會,並派出了聖密獅子隊伍。 國際食物遊藝會是霍巴特高中學院一年一度的特殊日子,在A座建...

華夏數千年文明發展的歷史中,造就了不計其數,與人類生活息息相關的傳統文化。由祭祀神明,辟穢袪蟲,到怡情養性,感悟人生,香文化應運而生。 從遠古之萌芽,至秦漢之成形,隋唐之成熟,北宋之鼎盛,至清末民國之萎衰,香文化歷經曲折輾轉,亦如佛法一樣,在隋唐時代,與茶道花道等傳至日...

Cleansing of the Spirit - The Path of Incense
During the millennia of historical development in Chinese culture, countless traditional cultures deeply related and integrated with the...

Tea Tree Playground Opening
Wonderful to join the Tea Tree Community at the official opening of the new children's playground at the Tea Tree Hall in the evening of...

二零一八年三月二十三日下午,茶樹區成員齊聚茶樹會堂,為新建成的兒童遊樂場舉行落成儀式。在場小朋友為儀式剪彩,然後又為本佛學院派出了金剛獅子點睛。 茶樹會堂與策劃中的澳大利亞塔州中國文化公園僅距離五分鐘車程。 #TeaTree

State Government & MCoT Harmony Day
A very culturally diverse cohort of community representatives and government leaders gathered at the Multicultural Hub - formerly the...
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