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Mid Autumn Festival Luncheon
The Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on 24 September this year. The festival is marked on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese...

UN International Day of Peace
The United Nations International Day of Peace is observed annually on 21 September. Religions of Peace Tasmania hosted a gathering on 23...

Mid Autumn Festival Banquet
A wonderful Mid Autumn Festival banquet, hosted by Tasmanian Chinese Arts and Communications Society, Australian Fujian Association...


Sush 壽司店開業十五載
為了隆重慶祝本地壽司連鎖店 Sush 開業十五週年及新店開張,該店在威靈頓庭院廣邀公眾一同慶祝。 本學院的長老為本次活動作了祈福儀規,並包括聖密金剛獅舞作為祈福的一部份。 只見兒童穿上日本和服或作角色扮演,一併與觀看的市民同樂。活動中還特意安排一場快閃,把氣氛推向高峰。

Sush celebrates 15 years
Local eatery-chain Sush celebrated 15 years in business and a new store opening at Wellington Court by convening a celebration in the...

30th anniversary of Australian Teo Chew Association
A wonderful celebration of the Australian Teo Chew Association’s 30th anniversary, held in Sydney a few weeks ago. Attended by various...

澳洲潮州同鄉會30週年慶典,於八月八日在悉尼唐人街舉行。多位中國僑領以及當地政治領袖一同出席,包括中華人民共和國駐悉尼總領事館顧小杰總領事、新州多元文化部長 Hon. Ray Williams 議員、新州立法會的 Hon. Mark Coure 議員等...

Soldiers Walk Memorial Commemoration
Marking the Great War’s centennial, the Friends of Soldiers Memorial Avenue (FOSMA) hosted a major commemorative event in early August at...
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