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Day 6 - Sri Lanka 2017
On the final day of our pilgrimage to Sri Lanka, we participated in the solemn opening of the Alokarama Temple in Matale, which was...
Day 5 - Sri Lanka 2017
The delegation participated in a Sanghadana ritual at Most Venerable Anuruddha's temple, Anurudha Arana. #SriLanka #UBSC #WBSY
Day 4 - Sri Lanka 2017
His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka graced the closing ceremony of 14th General Conference of World Buddhist...
Day 3 - Sri Lanka 2017
The Opening Ceremony of the 14th General Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY) and Inauguration Ceremony of World United...
獅國之行── 澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院斯里蘭卡參訪日誌 2017年10月28日第三天行程: 是日一早,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院僧團,在 薄伽梵 智及維摩詰 宗師率領下,出發拜訪WBSY秘書長阿努如達大長老在康提的廟宇之一 Kalalpitiya Purana...
Day 2 - Sri Lanka 2017
The delegation visited Kalalpitiya Purana Viharaya, one of Most Ven. Anuruddha Mahathero’s temples in Kandy, and participated in the...
獅國之行── 澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院斯里蘭卡參訪日誌 2017年10月27日次天行程: 秘書長阿努如達大長老體諒一眾舟車勞頓,已疲累非常,安排僧團先在可倫坡下塌過境酒店歇息一晚,然後一早起程,往獅國古都康提進發。 斯里蘭卡舊首府及佛教聖城康提(Kandy),是歷史悠久的古...
Day 1 - Sri Lanka 2017
A delegation from the Academy, led by Master Wang, visited Sri Lanka during late October to early November. Day 1 activities include...
13th WBSY and 6th Spiritual Dialogue
The 13th General Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY) and 6th Spiritual Dialogue between Theravadayana and Tantrayana...
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