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塔斯馬尼亞省兩年一度的國際藝術節島嶼十天(Ten Days on the Island),榮幸邀請得廈門愛樂樂團蒞臨塔州,分別在北部朗塞斯頓及南部霍巴特各演出一場。2017年3月25日晚上,霍巴特聯邦音樂廳熱鬧非常,不分老幼中外,齊來欣賞這被譽為廈門的“燙金城市名片”的廈門...
Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra visits Hobart
In the evening of 25 March, the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra conducted a symphony concert as part of Tasmania’s art festival - Ten Days...
Fujian Symphony Orchestra Australia Tour - Hobart Concert
On the evening of 8th December 2016, members from Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia attended the concert of the Fujian...
二零一六年十二月八日傍晚,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院一行出席福建交響樂團之名為〝土樓南行〞的澳洲巡迴演出,表演題為〝土樓迴響〞的交響樂章。本地華人社團及各界市民都踴躍出席,霍巴特的聯邦音樂廳全場爆滿。 來自祖國的鄭小瑛教授更是全場之亮點。八十七歲的她,是中國史上第一位歌劇...
"Australia Tour 2016 – Footprint" by Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra
In the afternoon of 7th August 2016, upon invitation from renowned Tasmanian pianist Professor Shan Deng, Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti...
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