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Sush celebrates 15 years
Local eatery-chain Sush celebrated 15 years in business and a new store opening at Wellington Court by convening a celebration in the...
International Food Fair at Hobart College
A privilege to be invited to perform the Vajra Lion Dance as part of the annual International Food Fair at Hobart College. It was also a...
二零一八年四月十一日中午,秋風送爽。在紐爾遜山上,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院應霍巴特高中學院校長斯德拉女士(Tracy Siedler)和中文老師白欣女士之熱情邀請,參與了校園的國際食物遊藝會,並派出了聖密獅子隊伍。 國際食物遊藝會是霍巴特高中學院一年一度的特殊日子,在A座建...
Blessing ceremony at Hejos
The Academy was very honoured to be asked by the owners of Hejo to perform a special blessing ceremony, at the site of their restaurant...
何鄒餐館 年初祈福
本佛學院受何鄒私房菜之邀,在霍巴特中心餐館的會址特別舉行一場祈福降吉祥儀規。由 智及宗師行使密宗加持儀規,然後進行一場聖密獅子舞。 中國自古每逢節日和特殊喜慶之日,即有獅舞助慶。傳統而言獅子寓意吉祥,以其勇猛之勢,鎮攝四方,庇佑眾生。 #CNY #Blessing...
LNY at Ibis Styles Hobart
Thank you to Janine Livingston, General Manager of Ibis Styles Hobart, for your invitation to perform at Mr Good Guy, in celebration of...
宜必思尚品霍巴特酒店的農曆新年慶祝感謝宜必思尚品霍巴特酒店的總經理Janine Livingston女士,邀請我們到酒店的知名亞洲風味餐廳-Goodguy 先生,以獅子舞喜迎狗年,共同推廣亞洲文化! #Ibis #LionDance
Chinese New Year at Wrest Point Casino
A privilege to once again be invited to perform at Wrest Point Casino in celebration for Chinese New Year, over a period of 3 days, from...
Year of the Dog Banquet
The Academy hosted its Chinese New Year banquet at Wrest Point Hobart on 16 February - the first day of the Wu Xu Year (literal...
二月十六日,戊戌新年大年初一,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院於維斯特角大酒店舉行農曆春茗,邀請了各界政經領袖、社區領導及志願者、海內外賓客、新老朋友齊聚一堂,喜迎新春。戊戌年將會為人們帶來挑戰,但挑戰之際也將帶來機會。 特別感謝本地舞蹈團 House of...
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