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Sydney Chinese New Year Celebration
The Opening of Spring Scenery of the Chinese Auspicious Month with Song and Dance to Praise the Year of the Dog ——an account of...

神州吉月開春景 曼舞笙歌頌狗年
神州吉月開春景 曼舞笙歌頌狗年 ──紀澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院應邀出席2018年悉尼東方春晚 在中國國家主席習近平閣下前瞻睿智的思想領導下,〝一帶一路〞的百年大計將中國軟實力──歷史悠久的中華文化展現在世界文化舞台之上;中華文化尤似一顆璀燦爛漫的東方明珠,閃曜著獨特的...



7th Moonah Taste of the World
On 26 March 2017, the 7th annual Moonah Taste of the World was held at Benjafield Park, situated in Tasmania’s most culturally diverse...

Orientation Week (UTAS)
A privilege for the Academy to be invited to the Orientation Day at the Hobart Campus of University of Tasmania on 20 February 2017....

2017 Lunar New Year Festival
On 29 January 2017, the 5th annual Lunar New Year Festival, organised by CCAT, was held on the Parliament Lawns. The Academy was very...


2016/17 塔州美食節

2016/17 Taste of Tasmania
On the first day of 2017, the Academy was once again invited to be a part of the Kids in the Park activities at the annual Taste of...
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