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SOON TO DEBUT IN HOBART: China Oriental Song & Dance Troupe
The most famous national-level song and dance troupe in China, China Oriental Song and Dance Troupe – to perform in HOBART on 30 January! ...
Blessing ceremony at Hejos
The Academy was very honoured to be asked by the owners of Hejo to perform a special blessing ceremony, at the site of their restaurant...
何鄒餐館 年初祈福
本佛學院受何鄒私房菜之邀,在霍巴特中心餐館的會址特別舉行一場祈福降吉祥儀規。由 智及宗師行使密宗加持儀規,然後進行一場聖密獅子舞。 中國自古每逢節日和特殊喜慶之日,即有獅舞助慶。傳統而言獅子寓意吉祥,以其勇猛之勢,鎮攝四方,庇佑眾生。 #CNY #Blessing...
The Chinese Community Association of Tasmania held its Chinese New Year Dinner on 22 February 2018, at the new signature Asian...
塔省華人聯誼會 廣邀僑領賀戊戌
塔省華人聯誼會是塔省歷史最長的華人社團,在二零一八日二月二十二日假維斯特角酒店新落成的君豪餐廳,舉行農曆新年晚宴。眾多政商人仕、社區領袖,攜同親友出席。 席上有九十七歲鍾先生Charles Chung,就他對塔省華人聯誼會的傑出貢獻獲得表彰。鍾先生亦是該華社的創會會長及...
ACBC LNY Cocktail Evening
The Australian Chinese Business Council (ACBC) Tasmanian Branch held its Lunar New Year cocktail evening at Derwent Room, Wrest Point...
澳中商會 舉杯迎春
澳大利亞中國工商業委員會(ACBC)塔州分會於二月二十一日,假維斯特角酒店朵文廳,舉行農曆新年雞尾酒晚會。當晚霍巴特各政經、社團領袖雲集,由澳中商會塔州分會會長Scott Dawkins先生致開幕詞,然後賀年表演逐漸登場。前塔州總督Sir Guy Green...
Government House Reception for Chinese New Year
On 19 February, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC, Governor of Tasmania, and Mr. Warner, hosted a reception for the...
二月十九日,塔州總督尊貴尊敬的凱特.華納教授閣下 (Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC) 伉儷為塔省華人聯誼會於總督府舉行了農曆新年招待會。各社團領袖及為各農曆慶祝活動貢獻的人員均有出席,與總督同...
Lunar New Year Festival
The 2018 Lunar New Year Festival was held on the Parliament Lawns on 18 February 2018. Hosted by Chinese Community Association of...
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